Thursday, April 7, 2016

Simulated Night

March 9, 2016

By 11 pm on March 8th, we were checked in to a hotel near the airport. This made life easier for all involved and would get us to the airport on time. The hotel had a decent buffet that they even opened for early flights like ours. We were delighted to take advantage of it at four in the morning before boarding the airport shuttle with other early birds like us. With butterflies in our stomachs, we checked in and then went through security. Mother and daughter, off together on an adventure of a lifetime!

The quick flight to Dallas went off without a hitch and we quickly found our gate for our non-stop flight to Beijing. Because it didn't depart for a couple of hours, we had a more substantial breakfast and then explored the various airport shops while we waited. We checked in at the gate, hoping to get seats in business class because the flight was going to be so incredibly long. We had to show our passports and visa pages three times during the entire boarding process. One would presume they REALLY need to verify that travelers have permission to enter the country. Once boarding began, we kept our fingers crossed that we would get those really nice reclining business class seats but alas, we did not. However, we did get an entire middle row, so sleep was to be possible.

The plane was modern and full of technology. Each seat had an individual entertainment center with a large variety of movies, music, and games to entertain passengers of all ages during the 14 hour flight. Each station had plugs for earphones as well as USB powered gadgets. The most amazing technology, however, was the controlled window tinting. There were no window shades, yet it was dark inside the plane as if it were night outside. The only lights were the individual screens of the passengers and the occasional flashlight utilized by a flight attendant passing by in the aisle.

Watching the flight path take us over the Arctic Circle, then over Russia and Mongolia before descending was fascinating; A straight shot I would never have imagined. I wish we had a window seat, but the windows were tinted so darkly, even when I did go look out, I could see little. I guess it's better we got some sleep.

Three meals were served. The first was delicious: roasted chicken with rice. The second was like a hybrid lunch. Hybrid meaning weaning the customers toward Chinese food. It was foreign, but not too foreign...almost sandwich like. The last meal was really not good at all. It was incredibly salty noodles that were essentially inedible. By the time we landed in Beijing, we were ready for a real dinner!  As we descended in to Beijing, the window tint disappeared and it was suddenly daylight out. We were finally able to see some glimpses of the earth below through the windows across the aisle.

Having departed on March 9th, it was now March 10th, my birthday. The strange thing is, when we left Arkansas, I was 49. In China, I was suddenly 51. Traveling to this country where they age people differently, I lost an entire year! Fortunately, when I go home, I'll be 50 again. To arrive on my birthday was probably one of the best birthday presents I could have imagined. I am eager to not just visit this new country, but to truly get to know some of the people and culture. If I am extra lucky and try hard, I may pick up some of the language.

1 comment:

  1. What an exciting way to start an amazing adventure for mother and daughter.
