Monday, March 28, 2011


Can I help it that I have a terminal illness called wanderlust? Symptoms include an insatiable need to explore the unknown and to revisit the known, sharing it with others if at all possible.

I believe it's transmitted through genetics, i.e. it's hereditary. Considering both my parents have this affliction, I'm definitely predisposed. Sometimes, the need to find pieces of my soul, which have been scattered to the ends of the earth, consumes me.

When I've gone and found myself at peace in some foreign destination (domestic or international), I feel partially whole again....for a while. Then the wanderlust resurfaces and I must pursue the cure. I simply must.


  1. I was first moved to say, "Sorry about that!", but actually I'm not. It isn't an affliction at all; it's a gift. I'll cheer for you instead!

  2. not an affliction unless you consider the checkbook factor - then it's got potential to be problematic ;) Otherwise, it's all fabulous! Wish I could fly like a feather on the wind.
