Monday, June 18, 2012

Chile revisited

Having been home from my latest adventure for but nine days, I'm already planning the next. I haven't even finished uploading the pictures from my last trip! Summers are always a busy time wonderful opportunity to travel.

This most recent trip, I took Devin to Chile to visit with the family with whom I stayed as an exchange student in the summer of 1984. The trip served double duty, as it provided Devin with the opportunity to be totally immersed in the Spanish language, thereby forcing her to learn more of the language and improve her skill. We got to see more of Santiago than I ever did before and a whole lot more! For me, the highlight was seeing penguins - in the wild - swimming in the bay at Valparaiso. That was most incredible sight I think I've ever seen. I just never fathomed seeing penguins!

Seeing my family was lovely and it truly felt like I just left them a year ago. We reconnected in a deeper way than ever before. Mamá and I sat up late several nights talking and sharing; Fernanda and I went on some wonderful adventures (Valparaiso, Viña del Mar, Concón, Pomaire); Mabel and I had a grand time with our girls at the mall, and so much more! It was great to meet and start friendships with "nieces and nephews" such as Carole, Constanza, Clemente, Agustina, and Jacinta. Devin also had a lovely time playing with her newly discovered "cousins" and she looks forward to a return trip.

New foods were experienced too. Conger eel was sampled in several different forms. Fresh clams, mussels, locos (abalone!!) ceviche and who knows what other kinds of seafood came on our plates. It was all delicious!

Travel to Chile is expensive and the flight is long (10 hours from Atlanta), but the warm welcome from my family made it worth the effort. I'm sorry I didn't do it sooner. Next time, we'll be back MUCH sooner than later! Hopefully, when it's cold here and warm there, we can go back. Until then, I'll have to look at my pictures and start planning the next adventure.

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